Wednesday, January 28, 2009


式典を天に報告する「告天文」が、郭錠煥・天宙平和連合(UPF)世界会長によって読み上げられました。  次に、世界12カ国の代表が国旗を持って入場。韓国の12宗氏の代表から平和の王冠が献納。世界の8大宗教の代表からは、宗教間の平和と和合を期し、供え物が捧げられました。
 いよいよ、文鮮明総裁ご夫妻と三代のご家族が入場されました。文亨進・世界平和統一家庭連合(FFWPU)世界会長夫妻への『平和神経』の伝授、文鮮明総裁ご夫妻による祝祷が捧げられました。  韓国政界の元老である李哲承・憲政会会長と、UPFグローバル平和協議会議長であるジェイムス・リチャード・マンチャム・セーシェル共和国初代大統領が祝辞を述べまた。  
そののち、この場のために準備された講演文が読み上げられました。文師はまず、「私たちの永遠の真の父母であられる神様に、尊貴と栄光、そして限りない賛美をお捧げしましょう」と語られながら、遵守すべき「天法の概要」として、「水晶のように澄んだ人生」、「絶対“性”の価値教育」、「あらゆる垣根と囲いを取り除く」、「交叉・交体祝福結婚」、「自然環境を保護し愛する」の5つを強調され、「今後、皆様の人生の指針として下さることを願います」と結ばれました。  最後に、任導淳・全国祝福家庭総連合会総会長の万歳三唱で終了しました。


きょうは真に貴く喜ばしい日です! 私たちは、共に歴史的で摂理的なこの日をこころゆくまで慶祝し、私たちの永遠の真の父母であられる神様に、尊貴と栄光、そして限りない賛美をお捧げしましょう。霊界の数千億の人類も、この祝福の一日を祝賀するためにこの場に共にいる厳粛な瞬間です。  

 第四に、堕落人間の血統を清めてあげ、真の家庭を立て、平和王国を実現する最高最善の方法は、交叉交体祝福結婚しかありません。和解と平和も、気づいてみれば、血筋を通して訪ねてきます。黒人と白人、東洋と西洋、仏教とキリスト教、ユダヤ教とイスラームが、お互いに交叉し、交体しながら、真の父母様が立てた祝福結婚の伝統を受け継いでいけば、この世界は自動的に一つの家族になるのです。「One Family Under God」の理想天国が実現されるのです。銃と大砲を溶かしてすきをつくり、くわをつくる平和の世の中が開かれるのです。




 万王の王神様の大いなる祝福が皆様の家庭と国、そして全天宙の上に満ち溢れることを祈ります。 ありがとうございました。

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Rev. Hyung Jin Nim Closing Prayer

Father, we thank You for this day that You have blessed upon us. Father, we are truly victorious before Your eyes. Father, we know that when You look at us, You see victorious children, You see illuminating children. Father, You see children that are filled with peace, that can spread Your blessings to this world. Father, we pray that we may realize that the precious dreams that You have instilled within our hearts are those that are given by You. And Father, let us have the courage to press through, to achieve and realize those dreams.

Father, let us have the courage to move forward, past criticism, past those that may not believe in us, Father, Arch Angels that may try to stop us on the way. And let us realize that truly we can make a difference in this world. Father, You have given our tremendous community, the brothers and sisters here, their families, their children, amazing potential, cosmic value. Father, You have instilled within them hopes of the future. And Father, we pray that they never let go of that courage, of that strength, of that overcoming power.

Father, we thank You so much for being with us today. We know that You are in happiness, that You are in joy today, looking at Your children, celebrating You, worshiping You, giving thanks, and returning glory to You.

Father, we thank You for this day that You have blessed us. Please be with all the brothers and sisters who are joining us through the Internet, all around the world. Please be with each one of their families, that You may bless them with divine health, that You may bless them with great protection; that they may truly live the blessed life, have great connections and relationships in their lives and truly shine before history.

Thank you, Father, for giving us the strength, giving us the wisdom, and giving us the continual opportunity to become better, and to empower others. Thank You so much. We pray these things, with the everlasting love, and our grateful hearts, in our names, Aju!

Sermon: Living the Dream / August 9th, 2008


Kong Hay Fat Choi

Hope all yours wishes come True !

Sunday, January 25, 2009

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Coronation for the Realm of Liberation for God, the King of Kings

The following address was given by Rev. Sun Myung Moon at the Coronation for the Realm of Liberation for God, the King of Kings, which was held in the Cheon Jeong Goong Museum in Cheong Pyeong, Korea on January 15, 2009 at 10:30 AM

This is truly a meaningful and joyful day.

Let us all celebrate without reserve this historic and providential day and sing praises to God, our eternal True Parent, of His glory and nobility! On this solemn occasion, hundreds of billions living in the spirit world are here with us to congratulate and celebrate this blessed day.

Today is the day that God has been waiting for and has yearned for ever since He created the universe. For tens of thousands of years, since the day Adam and Eve, whom He created as His children, stained the heavenly lineage and concealed themselves in the dark, God has endured and waited in inexpressible pain and sorrow. God has waited impatiently for the day He could ascend to the throne as the king of kings, to be able to embrace His lost children and the creation again and live in joy for all eternity in the sacred reign of peace in the peace kingdom.

Ladies and Gentlemen, God is and has always been the king of kings, even before He began the Creation. The heavenly way, however, dictates that after creating all things God must manifest substantially as the king of kings who reigns over the world of physical phenomena, which is the sphere of the objects of God's love. That is why, with true love, God sought and found the True Parent of this physical world, who was to become His representative and heir.

Although we are overwhelmed by the grace of having received Heaven's seal, my wife and I are truly joyful to be able to stand here as God's direct representatives and hold this coronation for the king of kings. At the same time I am deeply sorry before heaven; I have reached my 90th year of life, yet I have been unable to fully restore the 6.5 billion people of this world to God.

Citizens of the kingdom (Cheon Il Guk) who love God!
Heaven will no longer wait. God is working with His authority as the king of kings through His representatives, the earthly True Parents, to establish heavenly law and restore this world. It is time to accelerate this true love revolution.

Therefore, on this solemn occasion today, I will proclaim to all of heaven and earth the outline of the heavenly law by which humankind and all things of creation will regain their rightful positions and be governed.

First, this era, which is moving toward the third millennium, will be the "era of revolutionary change after the coming of heaven." In this era, we will no longer be ensnared by the principles of restoration through indemnity; it will be the time when the king of kings rules the spirit world and physical world with His rightful authority. It will be an era of the providence that will return the earth back to its original state with the realm of the Pacific Rim serving as a central axis. People will no longer be beyond the influence of Heaven's ways and the heavenly law. Therefore, you must lead a transparent life with your every action being as clear as a crystal.

Second, we must accomplish a revolution in educating all people on the value of absolute sexual ethics, with God as their vertical, absolute axis. This is the only way to pass on the lineage of goodness to all of humankind. That is the path to achieving God's ideal of true families. From now on, sexual purity, purity of lneage and purity of love will be the educational philosophy of the human race.

Third, the Peace King Representatives (boonbongwangs) and the "Parent UN" will be placed at the forefront of the efforts to completely eliminate the walls and barriers that surround this earth in multiple layers and to reinstate harmony and peace between political parties, religions, races, cultures and nations. The existing UN (which stands in the position of the Cain-type UN) and the Abel-type UN should become one and elevate to a higher dimension, becoming the Parent UN, in other words, the "Peace UN." Centering on the Peace UN, war, disease, hunger and all other problems confronting the world will be addressed and resolved. All people must surely go this way. They will have no choice because God and True Parents will be with them. Individualistic self-centeredness as well as collective self-centeredness will be completely eradicated, and this will lead to the realization of a world governed by our conscience and natural reason with no need for the election of leaders.

Fourth, the cross-cultural, international blessing marriage is the optimal method of establishing true families that will purify the lineage of the fallen human race and build the peace kingdom. In the end, reconciliation and peace will come about through lineage. When blacks and whites, people from the East and West, Buddhists and Christians, and Jews and Moslems intermarry and carry on the blessed marriage tradition that True Parents have established, this world will naturally become one family. An ideal, heavenly kingdom based on the ideal of "One Family under God" will come about. As we melt our guns and cannons to make plows and hoes, a world of peace will open up before us.

Fifth, God created us as His counterparts in love, and He prepared the natural world as a gift for us, His children. God would not leave His children to live in a barren desert devoid of beautiful scenery. That is why all people have the duty to preserve and love the natural world. I am saying that you should develop your human nature as it was originally meant to be, such that you experience resonance even with a cluster of wild flowers as you share a heartfelt conversation with them. That will be the shortcut to restoring humankind to God.

Ladies and gentlemen,
You have all truly received a heavenly blessing. You are participating in the ceremony to launch the providential undertakings governed by the king of kings. You are witnessing with your own eyes the whirlwind of this historic transition point. You received an invitation to attend the coronation of the True Parent, the king of kings on the horizontal level, who will govern all of creation as the physical representative of God, the king of kings on the vertical level. Will you ever again, in your lifetime, have the chance to attend such an historic and significant occasion? Your ancestors numbering in the billions are cheering and dancing in joy and delight at this time, shaking the very axis of the earth!

I pray that you will open your mind's eyes and engrave this extraordinary and historic moment on your soul. When else during your life will you be able to witness such a day of blessing and glory as your have today? I hope that you can heed the words of Heaven that I have shared with you today and use them as guidelines for your life from now on.
I pray that the great blessing of God, the king of kings, will fill your families, nations and all of heaven and earth abundantly.

Thank you very much.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Rev. Son Yang-Won

When I was young, seeing christian ministers in their barong with the bible on their hand preaching on the pulpit is the most uncool thing to see, Please don't get me wrong about it I have nothing against christianity. maybe its just my wrong perception on ministers or maybe because of my immaturity that I find it difficult to digest.

Upon knowing Rev Son of korea, I could never have imagine a man, a christian minister by profession could have done a missionary work way beyond most known saints in history.

No wonder he received a title "Atomic Bomb of love".

Rev. Son Yang-Won, is well known for his steadfast faith he held onto during five years of his hardship. He was incarcerated by the Japanese colonialists for refusing to worship the Japanese Shinto god.

He loved anybody and everybody including such social outcasts as lepers. His love of others was so special that people started calling him "Atomic Bomb of Love." In one example, when two of his sons were slain by his son's own friend for ideological differences, Rev. Son forgave the murderer for his crime, and soon adopted the criminal as his own son. The former killer later became a preacher.

His only weapon is his great faith and love but he is considered as a world saint and a patriot, an inspiration among christians in Korea.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Motto of the Year 2009

天地父母天宙平和安息圏 絶対性 真の愛 真の生命 真の血統権 勝利宣布時代

"The Era of Proclaiming the Victory of the Authority of Absolute Sexual Ethics, True Love, True Life and True Lineage in the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath of the Parents of Heaven and Earth"

It is part of our movement's tradition for Reverend Sun Myung Moon to give us a motto each year as a focus point for our prayers and spiritual lives. This is a tentative translation of the original meaning and the official one will be updated soon.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

90th Birthday Celebration of Reverend Sun Myung Moon, 67th Birthday Celebration of Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon

The joint birthday celebration for the founders of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU), Reverend Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, will be held on January 31, 2009 at the Manhattan Center in New York City, NY.

January 31, which falls on the 6th day of the first month of the lunar calendar this year, marks the 90th birthday, as age is counted in Korea, of Reverend Sun Myung Moon and the 67th birthday of Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon.

The following is a brief schedule of events at the Manhattan Center on January 31, 2009.

4:00 pm “Celebration of Life and Love” –
Blessing Ceremony - 210 Couples (2nd Generation, Amb. For Peace – 180 Countries represented)
Manhattan Center
7th Floor Grand Ballroom
2nd Generation, Ambassadors for Peace and Clergy

5:30 Private Dinners (Note: there will be no joint banquet – each conference and group will hold their own dinner programs)

7:00 pm UPF International Gala Celebration
Manhattan Center – Hammerstein Ballroom
Tributes to the founders' life, Reverend Sun Myung Moon’s 90th Birthday Address in Commemoration of the Inauguration of the Abel UN Convening the North / South America Federation for Peace 90th Birthday Gala Celebration

From :

Thursday, January 8, 2009

American STF Members Pioneer Peer-to-Peer Education in Southeast Asia

This year a new dimension of the Family Federation’s Special Task Force (STF) program for youth was opened when thirteen of our brave volunteers set out to Asia for six months to help launch the Asia Leadership Training (ALT) program.

Jeremy Rogers, sharing about his experience teaching In Cavite, Philippines:

Last week was amazing, jam-packed with action! Our team was due to start lecturing from November 6 th, but the thing was that we only had one day to practice beforehand. The schools we went to had no projector so we all used manila paper to present our contents. That first morning was exciting and nerve-racking at the same time; we are like 10 minutes away from lecturing 100 people crammed into a small room. I have to admit that at first I was really nervous but when we were introduced to the school in the morning it was clear from the response that this was going to be a lot of fun. Every classroom had about 70 or more students, all ranging from age 12 to 16. The students were still perfecting their English, so we often had the response of “slang,” which basically means that you talk too fast or that your American accent is too strong!

Lecturing was really a new experience for all of us. I never knew how strenuous lecturing could be; all the classrooms in the school were right next to each other and all of them were full of loud kids talking. You had to speak at the top of your lungs for anyone to hear you. After the first two lectures we were losing our voices and exhausted from giving so much spirit. Each one of us lectured four times (a lecture is about one hour); it took two days to teach 2,000 students.

The great thing about the Pure Love lecture is that it is basically Divine Principle. Once you break it down to them and talk about why we need true love in this world, you are going to find a “Four Position Foundation” in front of you. God really does work in mysterious ways: We were not so confident to teach as we only had a little memorized, but the rest just came from the heart. It is an amazing experience, conveying the truth to those who need it the most. On top of that, it also gives you this reassurance in what you believe in. It makes so much sense when you explain it to others.

A few days later we had the wonderful opportunity to teach about true love to the overflowing school of South Ville, in the Manila relocation neighborhoods. This is where all the homeless people in Manila are relocated to, a total of more than 7,000. They have a lot of problems pertaining to youth coming straight from the big city. This was why we had been requested to give Pure Love lectures here.
